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Open Space Commission Minutes 09/15/2017
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

In attendance:  Gary Gregory, Bill Dunbar, Amanda Blair, Bruce Baratz, Mary Stone, Peter Cable, Diana Atwood Johnson

The meeting was called to order at 9am and concluded at 10:30am.

Discussion regarding the outrageous state budget process that may result in the sweeping of CIA funds into the general fund, bonding for state land acquisition funds, etc.

July Minutes approved unanimously.

Issues on behalf of Jamie Bastien who couldn’t be there:
        1. Beavers: meeting to happen with Tom Metcalf, Jamie Bastian, Skip Beebe and anyone else to take a look and make a proposal  or not, for a bridge. Also, two young men from the high school are going to go and take their drone in to take pictures of the flooding when the leaves are off.
        2. Chair asked Jason Wilcox to give a price to go in and remove the trees that are over the trails. We have been trying to find a way to get this project done for many years and nothing has worked. Enough is enough. We can do it ourselves and have the funds in our maintenance budget. Its expected they will go in, in the next week.
a. Discussion held regarding the process of approving expenditures that are already budgeted. Bill Dunbar motion to approve, Mary Stone second to approve Wilcox to remove limbs from trails

Land Acquisition Account update regarding co-mingling of funds.  Treasurer has placed the Fireman’s funds already and will place our funds in a CD at the best rate possible.

Open Space Planning: No candidates yet to write plan. We’ll talk to Planning Commission regarding survey, our section of plan.
Connecticut Green Burial Grounds-letter sent to First Selectwoman.
Chair presented list. The town reclaimed land fill was recommended
Executive Session: When members came out of executive session, Bill Dunbar made a motion to accept moving forward with land acquisition as moved in executive session. The OSC authorizes and encourages the Chair to continue to negotiate with the owner and work out details of the various issues. Hoping that we can reach an agreement, we will turn it over to our attorney to manage the legalities. Peter Cable second. Motion passed unanimously.

Other business:

Discussion regarding property on Joel Drive, proposed subdivision at Exit 70 proposed by Graybill Properties and Hope Partnership.

Planning Commission hearing on October 12. Final paragraph is still problematic.  There are strong feelings against the part encouraging the fortifying of the shoreline. What does assist and facilitate mean? In New Jersey the government is building 22 foot high sand dunes. ZBA does not want intensification of development in most vulnerable areas. People should write in advance to planning commission.

Diana Atwood Johnson, Chairman